Monday, January 10, 2011

A couple photos...

My room

El Río Blanco (taken from the van)

The view from our hotel room in Abancay

Choclo; very tasty :)

Tía Maria, Paty, Regina, and me at the reception after the wedding!

More photos later, hopefully both here and on Facebook...


  1. You look as Peruvian as the rest....

  2. Hi there!

    So, how were things in the "big city" of Lima? Just wanted to tell you that we figured out that Patrick's biggest lump (the one behind his right elbow) is indeed a fatty tumor - we took him up to the clinic in Mt. P. last weekend. Also, we took the "Rane-man" up there and, well, he's not so much of a "man" anymore...kinda more of an "it" now, if you know what I mean?? However, he'll be a better dog for it now and not tend to wander off so much, in search of females doggies as his interest in such activities will surely be reduced. Oh, one other bit of bad news for you: Shamrock shakes are out at McDonald's right now, but alas, I doubt you have said restaurant in Cusco;-( So, you'll have to attempt to "survive" this year without the minty treat...but there's always next year!!

    Love, Dad
