Saturday, January 1, 2011

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

Well I guess this kicks off my new-fangled blog! This is where I'll be posting updates, stories, thoughts, insights, complaints, revelations, etc. during my semester abroad. Most of this will be from Cusco, Peru, but I will also be traveling outside Peru at some point.

I hope you find the future content of this blog to be interesting, informative, and maybe even entertaining-I will post next from below the equator!


  1. Hi Sweetie,

    Got to the blog the first time. Have a safe trip. Happy New Year.

    Grandpa Bruey

  2. I'll be checking on you daily! Stay safe, sis, and I can't wait to see you when you return to this hemisphere!

  3. Great idea Laura. Have a wonderful trip.

  4. Great idea and it worked first time for me.

    Grandma Judge

  5. If you start to feel paranoid, you know that I am following you! Hehehe....

  6. Oh Laura, this is a fantastic idea! What a treat to get to follow you this way. Thanks <3
    I'll stay tuned.
    Love ya,

  7. Hi Laura, We're thinking about you and hope all is going fabulously. I'm getting ready to make a quiche in your honor today.

    - Erin + Noah, Fi, Rose, Boomer (Dog #1), Jo (Dog #2) and Art (the Hermit Crab

  8. It's Monday!!!! I"m waiting.....I"m going to sit here alllll day until I get to read what you are doing.....

    By the way, I took over your desk. It's nice and warm there.

    I love you and I can't wait to read the "big" story!

  9. Dear Laura, What a wonderful journey into new worlds of experience! I congratulate you on your adventurousness and courage: new cultural experiences are often as much a journey out into the wider world as they are a journey into oneself. Sometimes it's quite a roller coaster, but in my experience it's well worth the ride! I look forward to reading about your adventures and wish you the best of luck in the new year!
    Hasta la proxima, Cousin Alison

  10. Oh! And I wasted time worrying about your safety in the streets. I didn't know the rest of that line was street-CARS!

    Thank you for the update. You made me laugh and cry. Thankfully your English is still good enough to paint a terrific picture of what is going on! I have a picture of the gradual inclusion of Spanish words, until by the end of the trip, the whole blog is in Spanish.

    Keep the updates coming! This is fun!
